Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Old Shows I Still Love: The Office (Thursdays 9/8c NBC)

When I Started Watching: Spring 2007—middle of Season 3.

Why I Started Watching: I basically had to in order to understand half of the jokes being made around me. Plus my roommates and I would have DVD marathons or various shows and The Office season one came up one night (as the season is only 6 episodes long).

Why I Kept Watching: The show is hilarious. The awkwardness and absence of a laugh track made the show unique and enjoyable. Furthermore, the show as a prime-time comedy that played to both crude humor as well as more intelligent comments on society. Plus the Jim and Pam dynamic was enough to almost force me to invest in the show—that whole will they/wont they thing gets me almost every time.

What Worried Me When I First Started Following the Show: Nothing much, the shows awkwardness was very enjoyable. I began watch after the show had become a success with critics and viewers as was not in danger of being canceled as it had been at the end of season one and through the early part of season two.

What is Great about the Show: The ensemble cast. The cast encompasses a wide variety of actors, playing a wide variety of characters. The beauty of the show is that it aims at being very real and the jokes tend to be very narrow. Broad comedy can be fun but it is always nice when writers allow an audience to use their intelligence. The Jim and Pam dynamic was adorable from episode one, and the Jim and Dwight feud was hilarious from the first jello encased stapler. The show and characters it centers on have been allowed to grow allowing for well rounded characters and provides from great comedy highlighted by great dramatic moments.

What Worries Me about the Show Now: The Office used to be about crock-pot humor—the jokes were allowed to simmer rather than jumping for the quick laugh. Over time the show has moved from this slow-simmering humor towards more microwaves style humor—broad jokes for easy laughs. The desire for quick easy laughs has removed some of the charm this little British convert show that challenged prime-time comedic preconceptions. Furthermore, the Jim and Pam dynamic has changed. The army of writers (and it is large enough to be an army) did an excellent job of resolving the will they/wont they romance without killing the show. However, Jim and Pam are now married and about soon to be parents. I’m not sure how this dynamic is going to affect the show. To add to this problem is that Jim is now co-manager so the Dwight/Jim relationship is also off kilter, I think this may be a little too much change all at the same time. I’m not sure what the drive of the show will be in the wake of these changes.

Why I’ll Keep Watching: I’ve invested 5 seasons worth of episodes in these characters and they’re relationships. I’m invested in the future of these characters. I’m waiting to see how the Andy/Erin could be romance will work out, the Angela/Dwight romance will rekindle, and the continued shenanigans of Michael’s interaction in the office.

Favorite Episodes: “Diversity Day”, “Health Care”, “The Alliance”, “The Dundies”, “The Secret”, “Casino Night”, “The Negotiation”, “Product Recall”, “Traveling Salesman”, “Beach Games”, “The Job”, “Fun Run”, “The Deposition”, “Dinner Party”, “The Duel”, “Two Weeks”, “Niagara”

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