Monday, November 9, 2009

New Shows to Me: Glee (Wednesday 9/8c Fox)

I began watching Glee for the music and kept watching for the plot. I, like the rest of the world, watch the pilot episode of Glee in May. However, unlike the rest of the world, I was largely unimpressed. I found the music catchy but the plot unbelievable—a woman fakes a pregnancy to keep her husband at home? However, one day messing around Hulu I rediscovered the show a few episodes into the season. I decided to go back and give the show that world seemed to love another shot. Given the chance to watch the first few episodes in quick succession the plot, that at first I didn’t buy in to, quickly pulled me in. It was clear that I did not give the multi-layered dramedy enough chance. . The writers and creators of Glee seem determined to win a slew of awards for diversity. The show is about outcasts and the ensemble of characters certain encompasses outcasts—a heavy black girl, a newly out of the closet gay man, a stuttering Asian, a kid in a wheel chair, and a former cheerleading captain/president of the celibacy society pregnant teenager. This gang of outcasts attempting to navigate the tumultuous waters of high school is worth watching. However, what makes the show so watchable is the dynamic if the unattainable love between Emma and Will was adorable and—for once—delightfully innocent. I found myself quickly longing for the day that Will finds that his wife’s pregnancy is a lie. However, the producers seemed to have accounted for this day by putting another obstacle in the way—Emma’s pending marriage. As entertaining as the Emma-Will-Terri triangle is, one love triangle was clearly not enough for the writers. The quadrangle between Rachel, Finn, Quinn and Puck is less unique but somehow just as enjoyable. What is unique is the foil between Quinn’s pregnancy and Terri’s lack of pregnancy. This provides for not only an interesting dynamic but a unique plot that pushes the shows hook—music—effectively and enjoyably into the background.

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