Friday, January 15, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

For Sherlock Holmes lovers, this is not the Holmes you probably remember. Guy Richie's Sherlock Holmes is not a quiet mystery surrounding the world's most famous detective. It's loud, it's explosive, and it's large. This is Sherlock Holmes as he was meant to be seen on the big screen--jumping, punching, and, in slow speed, using that marvelous brain to figure out how to defeat his opponent. However, this Sherlock Holmes will always suffer from comparisons to the Sherlock Holmes in everybody's mind. If people can set their previous conceptions of Holmes at the door on the way into the theater than the movie is far and away above the pop film its packaged as. Robert Downey Jr show that he is truly one of this generations great character actors and Jude Law gives a nice turn as a Doctor Watson who want so much to leave his life with Holmes behind but can't quiet seem to manage it. The end is a bit of a cliff hanger so expect a sequel--which, if the rumors are true, has already been green lit.

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