Friday, January 15, 2010

Up in the Air

Up in the Air is a great movie centered around a topical subject--firing people. Of course the film isn't about firing people so much as it is about the discovery that life is not meant to lived alone set in the context of a man whose job it is to fire people. On the whole, that second theme is rather banal as far as films go, but Up in the Air magically does something that other movies so often fail to do--it makes the journey interesting. After all, the cinematic experience is rarely about the destination. So often in films the destination is known right from the beginning, especially in romantic comedies, which is what this film tries to be. The destination of Up in the Air becomes increasingly clear mid-way through, but a good performance by George Clooney and a spectacular performance by Anna Kendrick make it a journey worth going on. Kennedrick's fragile, but still self-assertive Natalie is a brilliant performance that in other years might take home awards. It's really too bad for Kendrick that, though she is getting the nominations due this brilliant and quiet performance, Monique's performance in Precious is sure to take home the supporting actress awards. Nevertheless, Kendrick as a young, sometimes broken, foil to Clooney's belief that life is best lived alone bring the film together nicely and make both the journey worth experiencing.

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